

March 21, 2023
3 Industries That Benefit the Most from Private Cloud

The cloud adoption rate is growing rapidly and doesn’t show any sign of slowing down. Data shows more than 90% of organizations utilize cloud technology for their IT needs. Although the public cloud is still often the first option considered by many companies, the efficacy of the public cloud is not beyond doubt. In fact, in recent times, public cloud giants such as AWS have received adverse criticisms from business leaders and experts in the field for their non-transparent billing structure and limited usability. 
What about the private cloud?

Private cloud, on the other hand, is becoming more popular among medium-sized and enterprise-level businesses. Here we talk about three industries that benefit the most from it. However, remember the usability of the private cloud goes beyond these sectors, and businesses operating in other industries can also benefit from adopting the private cloud.     


Healthcare companies deal with sensitive patient data and need to comply with strict regulatory requirements like HIPAA. The private cloud provides a dedicated and secure environment that can be customized to specific security and compliance needs. This can help to protect patient data and prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

While compliance and data protection are the key reasons for the healthcare industry to use it, the industry can benefit from a private cloud in many other ways. Moving the workload to the cloud enables greater collaboration and improved data management and accessibility. It also helps the organization to reduce expenses on hardware and software. 


Companies operating in the finance sector also require to maintain strict security measures and comply with various regulatory requirements to protect sensitive financial information. Even a minor incident of a data breach can be disastrous for financial organizations. The secure and isolated environment offered by the private cloud can minimize the threat of cyber-attack and help protect the data.

Additionally, financial institutions can benefit from other advantages of the cloud, such as reduced cost, efficient data processing and collaboration, and scalability. Using the cloud for data storage and other IT needs allows finance companies to respond faster and achieve overall business agility. To exploit the benefits of the cloud, finance organizations must migrate their IT infrastructure to the private cloud at least partially, because they cannot use the public cloud to store and process sensitive data. 


One of the key challenges of the education industry is the fund crunch. The private cloud allows educational institutions to create an improved environment for collaboration between students and educators within a limited budget. A private cloud helps educational institutions to bring down the IT infrastructure cost. Utilizing it also reduces electricity expenses and maintenance costs. The institution can also save the cost of hiring a dedicated IT team.

Besides, the enhanced security allows institutions to have better control over data access. It enables easy sharing of resources, study materials, assignments, and grades in a secure environment. The confidentiality of information can be ensured by implementing encryption protocols.  

Ai.NET offers private cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes. We customize our services according to your business need. Get in touch with us to learn more about the services we offer. We will answer all your questions before we design a comprehensive solution suitable for your organization.  

February 7, 2023
Public Clouds vs Private Clouds—Which One Is Best for Your Organization?

The Cloud has been an important tool for organizations since 2006, when former Google CEO  Eric Schmidt coined the term “cloud computing.” Unsure about what exactly it entails? PC Magazine explains, “In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.” Nowadays, nearly 94% of organizations surveyed utilize the public cloud for their IT needs, according to SkyQuest. But how does it compare to the private cloud?

1. Public clouds are shared

Hence the name, public clouds utilize shared infrastructure, whereas private clouds utilize an organization’s own infrastructure (circa VMware). Major public clouds like Amazon have a large base of users, but far less security than a private one. Private clouds also have an enhanced performance, as they don’t have to share resources with any other organizations

2. Costs differ in public and private clouds

Though Amazon boasts its’ pay-as-you-go model, it ultimately becomes more expensive as your business grows. It works well as a starting point, but a private cloud is far easier to manage, as you have greater control over the billing. It’s up to you to decide if the services offered in public clouds are worth the complex pricing models.

3. The Hybrid Cloud contains elements of both

The Hybrid Cloud balances the best of the Public and Private Clouds. It divides your workload between a private cloud and a physical server, making it both secure and cost-effective. If the drawbacks of public or private seem to be too much for your organization, perhaps the hybrid model is right for you.

Anxious to know more? Check out our articles “Using the Public Cloud for Business? Why It Might Not Be the Best Decision”  or “Benefits of Choosing Private Cloud for Your Business” to see more pros and cons. And be sure to explore our services here at AiNET!

May 3, 2022
What are the Types of Storage?

Technology is increasing, which in turn, is making data increase in quantity and in size. As new innovative technology is spread all over the world and new businesses are developing daily, we need places to store all this data surge. So, let’s talk about the types of storage.

There are a few options for businesses and individuals to store their data. Usually, the people at home would be storing their data:

  • Either on their own personal hardware that they own,
  • or they would use something known as the cloud storage.

Businesses having huge amounts of data on the other hand would either need their own data center or other machines and servers that they set up in their businesses.

Types of Data Storage

On-Site Data Storage

Being the main way to store data once upon a time, on-site data storage is when businesses buy their own servers and machines to store their ample amounts of data. Companies that are on a very large scale, tend to keep their servers in a secure data center facility that they build for the sole purpose of data storage. Most businesses would keep their data storage equipment in a designated data room. This type of data storage allows you to have complete control over the data you have. That is because you own everything. Technically, you are providing the data storage service to yourself. Hence you are responsible for the safety and efficiency of the data storage too. This method of storing data is very expensive, can be rather inefficient and time consuming.


Colocation allows you to rent out space in a data center. A space where you can keep your servers and machines for your data storage needs. As you need more servers and space required for your owned equipment, the more space you can rent out. Colocation facilities have the required cooling systems and power to manage your equipment in the facilities. When a business rents out space in the facility, this allows them to have their assets in a safe and secure location which is monitored all around the clock. Colocation allows people to have versatility and complete control over their data. This option is much cheaper than having your own in-house storage setup.

Cloud Storage

Individuals and companies can use this type of data storage, depending on their demand for storage space. Cloud service allows you to virtually store your data in hardware. A hardware which a cloud service provider owns and maintains it in his own designated facility. You can access data stored in cloud storage at any time, from anywhere in the world, if you have an internet connection. This type of storage is also very flexible and scalable, but it comes with heavy costs. Private clouds are used for companies that require higher levels of security.

AiNET provides you with the best prices and data storage facilities anyone can offer. Visit AiNET now and learn all you need to know about data storage!