
January 21, 2022

What is a Carrier Hotel?

So, what is a Carrier Hotel?

Have you ever heard of a term called “carrier hotel”? No, it is not the establishment tourists spend the night to sleep while traveling. Although it would be extremely fun to talk about hotels, today we are talking about carrier hotels also known as “colocation centers”. Sounds familiar right? That means you have been paying attention to our blogs on AiNET where we talk in detail about interesting topics related to data centers!

I’m sure you have some information about what a colocation data center is, where storage and bandwidth are provided for customers. However, what do we mean by carrier hotels? Why do they have a different name? Are they something entirely different or are they just another name of data centers? Read more if you want to find out!

Let’s start off by saying that there isn’t much difference between the two terms, carrier hotels and colocation data centers. They are often used interchangeably. A carrier hotel is a data center where crucial equipment is provided for their customers. Some of these tools and equipment are space, bandwidth, internet, physical security, cooling systems, power, and other necessary networking equipment.

There are many responsibilities that the carrier hotels remove from the IT department’s shoulders. First and foremost, it is important for a carrier hotel to provide both data security and physical security for their customers. Although the IT department of a company controls what happens to their equipment, the colocation data center must pay close attention to the health of the equipment. Apart from that, any software update or issues should be taken care of by the carrier hotel. There are many ways that carrier hotels can help you, which is why more and more companies are choosing to work with them.

The Benefits That Carrier Hotels Provide:

To talk about the benefits in summary, carrier hotels provide you:

  • Security (protection from hackers, physical security, disaster recovery systems.)
  • Reliability (99.9% uptime, managed downtimes, fast issue resolving.)
  • Acceptable pricing plans.
  • Increased network performance.
  • Straightforward maintenance.

A smart company recognizes that these colocation data centers play a crucial role in the success of their business.

Let’s close off this blog with one more important fact about carrier hotels. These hotels lease their spaces in huge chunks, which means not rack by rack (or a rack unit) but floor by floor. They are generally ran by large companies, which is why it is considered “one step higher on the food chain.”

If you want to learn more about colocation data centers, then AiNET is your place to be!