
February 14, 2022

4 Common Causes of Data Loss

To start with an important question, are you doing everything in your power to protect your data from losing? If you answered no, it is best to start doing so since hackers are becoming more and more smart and finding ways to break in. However, it is also my duty to tell you your data loss doesn’t only come from hackers and low cybersecurity. There are many ways one can lose their data, and today we will list 4 of the most common reasons.  

First and foremost, what is data loss?

Data loss, as the name states, is when you lose your data or when it becomes destroyed or deleted, no longer allowing you to read to it. Data loss doesn’t always happen because you weren’t paying attention. Sometimes your data gets destroyed by accident, and some other times… yes, it’s your fault. Data loss is and should be a very important topic to keep in mind. For companies and organizations, losing data can cause a lot more damage than you can think of, given they include a lot of sensitive information. Some of this information can be:

  • Client credit card information
  • Addresses
  • Telephone numbers
  • Account details
  • Personal information
  • Information about the company

If any of this information falls into the wrong hands, the reputation of the entire company will be damaged along with its future. So you understand why data loss can be considered a serious topic.

How can one lose data, even after protecting it entirely with passwords?

1. You can accidentally delete them.

Yes, this has happened and will happen if you are not so careful. (Do not ask me how I know). In fact, 29% of the time, people lose their data due to human error. I mean, no human is perfect and sometimes lack concentration so is it really a surprise that we make mistakes like these sometimes? However, the real trouble begins when people mistakenly delete their data… with no backup whatsoever. This why it is always important to back your data up any chance you get.

2- Viruses might take over.

We all know what viruses are, right? a program that replicates in one’s device and “infects” it similarly to viruses in our bodies. these viruses can take complete control over your programs and data and can even affect the functioning of your device. After being replicated, viruses can block your entrance to your data, resulting in data loss. Do not be afraid, there is a lot of antivirus software which is capable of solving these problems if kept up to date.

3- Natural disasters

Now this one is completely out of your hands, but they are also very rare. Natural disasters include earthquakes, tornados, lightnings, floods, hurricanes, natural fires and more! You can always minimize the risk even tho natural disasters can have a great impact not only on your devices where information is stored, but also your entire business.

Sure, I mentioned before those natural disasters are not in your hands, however, what’s really in your hands is backing up the data. You never know when disaster might hit, but you can always be ready for it.

4- Thieves and hackers.

Laptops, phones, hard disks and many more devices get stolen almost every day. No matter how securely you protect your devices, thieves can take it out of your hands without your notice. What’s important to remember here is that sometimes the files and folders found in your devices can have much more value than the laptop itself, therefore it is important to always be aware. Think about it, you can replace your laptop, your phone, or any type of device you use, but can you replace sensitive and crucial data?

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