

February 21, 2023
Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) | The Next Generation of Network Security

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, businesses are under increasing pressure to protect their networks and sensitive data. One solution gaining popularity is Firewall as a Service (FWaaS).

FWaaS provides a cloud-based firewall to protect against unauthorized access and malicious activity. Thanks to its extensive benefits, the FWaaS market is continually growing and is expected to reach USD 8.28 billion by 2029.

This blog post will explore FWaaS and how it can benefit modern businesses of all sizes.

What is Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)?

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) is a cloud-based security solution that provides virtual firewalls to protect networks and applications. It involves outsourcing firewall management to a third-party provider who delivers the firewall functionality via a cloud-based subscription model.

With FWaaS, businesses can unlock flexibility to scale up or down their security needs based on changing requirements. It also offers real-time threat intelligence and automatic updates, ensuring businesses have up-to-date protection against emerging threats.

Traditional Firewalls vs. FWaaS vs. NGFWs  

  Point of DifferenceTraditional FirewallsFirewall as a Service (FWaaS)Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs)
DefinitionA security system that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined rules.A firewall as a service is cloud-based, firewall managed, and maintained by a third-party provider.Next-Generation Firewalls combine traditional firewall technology with additional features such as intrusion prevention, application control, and advanced threat detection.
DeploymentOn-premisesCloud-basedCan be either on-premises or cloud-based
Security functionsBasic packet filteringAdvanced security functions such as IDS/IPS, VPN, application controlAdvanced security functions with an emphasis on application control and threat intelligence
ScalabilityLimited scalabilityHigh scalability due to cloud-based deploymentHighly scalable with support for distributed environments
MaintenanceRequires manual updates and patchesThe service provider manages updates and patches  Automated updates and patches with real-time threat intelligence
CostHigh upfront costSubscription-based pricing modelHigh initial cost with ongoing maintenance fees
ManagementRequires dedicated IT staff for managementThe service provider handles the managementAdvanced management and reporting capabilities with centralized control  

Why Do Companies Need FWaaS?

Businesses continue to embrace cloud infrastructure providers such as AiNET. With this technological shift comes the need for an advanced and modern security solution. This is when FWaaS comes into action to add that protection element and take data security to the next level.

Benefits of Using a Cloud Firewall/FWaaS

FWaaS is ideal for companies looking for a more cost-effective, efficient, and secure way to manage their firewall infrastructure. Some of the benefits that FWaaS provides for businesses include, but are not limited to

  • FWaaS identifies, filters, and blocks malicious traffic such as malware and bad bot activity. Hence, the network choke points are not created.
  • FWaaS or cloud firewalls allow for quick and easy integration with cloud infrastructure.
  • Cloud firewalls provide businesses with scaling options; scale up or down to handle more traffic more efficiently.

AiNET — Your Access to a Secure Cloud Network!

The digital landscape is filled with malware and other security threats. To cope with this issue, AiNET allows businesses to scale, agile, and upgrade their data infrastructure on an end-to-end protected cloud.

 With our unmatched suite of cloud solutions, companies can access everything from public, private, hybrid cloud storage, or dedicated data centers, in one place — with enterprise-class security protocols!

February 14, 2023
3 Verified Ways To Cut Your Cloud Costs | Cloud Cost-Cutting Tips

In 2022, a SaaS company’s AWS bill escalated to 120K$/ month. Upon investigation, a suspicious Chrome extension was found to be the culprit, installed by a mysterious developer who disappeared once his contract was over. The extension created fake Google accounts to create trial GCP accounts, upload the model, execute it, and shut down after executing the task.
This snoopy trick worked for a while and dropped AWS costs by 90%. However, it wasn’t until later that the damage of the company’s negligence became clear. The company had to learn from its mistake, which was ultimately detrimental to its operations. But you don’t have to follow the same route.
To save you from the hassle, we have jotted down 3 legitimate and verified cloud cost-cutting tips that experts have tried and tested to reduce cloud costs for companies of all sizes. Let’s hop in!

How To Cut & Optimize Your Cloud Costs?

Cloud cost management is a primary challenge for about 40% of the companies involved in cloud computing and cloud optimization with public clouds. As such, 61% of such organizations strive for cloud optimization to save cloud costs.

Following are the three tips for cloud cost optimization that are tried and tested by many and verified by experts:

1.   Identify Idle Resources

Recognizing idle resources is crucial to cutting down your cloud costs.

Regularly monitoring your resources to identify and terminate any underutilized resources helps save money on unnecessary resources.

You can use cost management tools by your cloud service provider to track the usage of resources that are not being used and get the optimum cloud cost-savings statistics.

2.   Use Reserved Instances

Reserved instances allow cloud computing companies to dedicate a specific instance type and size for a specified period — usually 1 to 3 years, in exchange for a discounted hourly rate.

Employing this practice can ensure your cloud bills stay within budget and save you money in the long run, especially if you have a consistent workload.

3.   Limit Data Transfer Fees

Data transfer costs can add up quickly, especially if you move large amounts of data between different regions.

To reduce your cloud prices, you can use cloud cost optimization services to cache data closer to the user. You can even use data compression techniques to reduce the data transfer size.

AiNET: The Smart Choice for Cost-Effective Cloud Solutions!

Reducing and optimizing cloud costs is integral for any business reliant on cloud services. Use the tips from this article to leverage your cloud’s pure power at less cost.

AiNET is a cost-effective option that serves your cloud needs optimally. Experience cost savings and optimal performance with AiNET’s cloud management services.

With AiNET, you can rest easy knowing that your cloud costs are under control and that you are getting the best possible value for your money.

February 7, 2023
Public Clouds vs Private Clouds—Which One Is Best for Your Organization?

The Cloud has been an important tool for organizations since 2006, when former Google CEO  Eric Schmidt coined the term “cloud computing.” Unsure about what exactly it entails? PC Magazine explains, “In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.” Nowadays, nearly 94% of organizations surveyed utilize the public cloud for their IT needs, according to SkyQuest. But how does it compare to the private cloud?

1. Public clouds are shared

Hence the name, public clouds utilize shared infrastructure, whereas private clouds utilize an organization’s own infrastructure (circa VMware). Major public clouds like Amazon have a large base of users, but far less security than a private one. Private clouds also have an enhanced performance, as they don’t have to share resources with any other organizations

2. Costs differ in public and private clouds

Though Amazon boasts its’ pay-as-you-go model, it ultimately becomes more expensive as your business grows. It works well as a starting point, but a private cloud is far easier to manage, as you have greater control over the billing. It’s up to you to decide if the services offered in public clouds are worth the complex pricing models.

3. The Hybrid Cloud contains elements of both

The Hybrid Cloud balances the best of the Public and Private Clouds. It divides your workload between a private cloud and a physical server, making it both secure and cost-effective. If the drawbacks of public or private seem to be too much for your organization, perhaps the hybrid model is right for you.

Anxious to know more? Check out our articles “Using the Public Cloud for Business? Why It Might Not Be the Best Decision”  or “Benefits of Choosing Private Cloud for Your Business” to see more pros and cons. And be sure to explore our services here at AiNET!

January 31, 2023
5 best practices to prevent DDoS attacks

The threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continues to be a major issue faced by organizations of all sizes. With the advancement of AI and machine learning, DDoS attacks are becoming more sophisticated, causing the loss of millions of dollars.

Corero survey shows about 70% of the responding organizations experience 20 to 50 DDoS attacks a month. 91% of respondents to the survey said DDoS attacks caused damage of up to $50,000 per attack. 

It is practically impossible to prevent all DDoS attacks. No matter how robust security protocols you employ, there’s always a chance that your website will have to face such attacks. However, you can certainly take a few steps to minimize the threat. 

What Is a DDoS Attack?

In a DDoS attack, the hackers overwhelm a website or online service with a large amount of traffic from multiple sources. As a result, it becomes unavailable to legitimate users.

The attackers use a network of compromised computers, also called the botnet, to flood the target website with more traffic than it can handle. It can slow down the website or completely crash it for several hours, resulting in a loss of revenue and customer trust.

How to Minimize the Threat of DDoS Attacks?

Here are 5 tips to help you keep your website protected against DDoS attacks.

Monitor network traffic: 

Monitor your network traffic to know your website’s regular traffic pattern and spot any unusual activity. It will help you prevent a DDoS attack before it takes full swing. It will require 24/7 monitoring to detect a possible attack and act quickly.    

Strengthen network security: 

Create a resilient network security system by adopting multi-level protection strategies. Use anti-spam, content filtering, firewalls, load balancing, and other available tools to mitigate the threat of a DDoS attack.     

Keep a Denial-of-Service response plan handy:

Despite having the most robust security protocol, a DDoS attack can still take place. Make sure you have a clear response plan. It will help you bounce back promptly with minimal damage. 

The plan must lay out the entire response process and outline how to maintain business operations after such attacks happen. Your team members must know their roles during such an attack so that they do not lose focus.    

Move to the private cloud: 

Moving your IT infrastructure to a private cloud can be a clever move. Cloud service providers deploy the latest cyber security protocol with the best firewalls and monitoring software. It also offers more scalability and bandwidth than on-premises resources. 

Even if a cloud security breach occurs, the recovery becomes much easier with the cloud due to its distributed nature. If migrating your entire IT system to the cloud is not feasible, you may also consider a hybrid model.

Choose your service providers carefully: 

Choose the service providers that deploy state-of-the-art security measures. Ensure that the internet connection you use doesn’t have any vulnerabilities. The same applies to your cloud service provider. Review the past records of a cloud service provider before entering into a contract.

It is best to go for a service-providing company where you can find all the necessary services under one umbrella. When your system is powered by an internet connection, data centers, and cloud storage offered by the same company, you get a multitude of benefits. It strengthens security, brings transparency, and eliminates the scope of finger-pointing.  

AiNET offers all the services you need to grow your business in this fast-paced digital world. Get in touch with us, and we will help you create a secure IT infrastructure. 

January 24, 2023
Cost of Fiber Optic Internet Installation in a Commercial Building

Fiber optic technology has been around since the 1960s. Recently, it has gained more popularity due to our increasing dependence on the internet. Currently, 43% of US households have access to fiber optic connections. It is more critical for businesses to have fiber optic internet for smooth operations.   

Fiber optics is faster and more reliable than any other type of internet connection. It can transmit up to 100-gigabyte speed and offers various other business benefits. It sends data as fast as 70% of the speed of light. However, installing fiber optic internet in your commercial building can be a little expensive and tricky. Several factors impact the total cost of installation. Here, we break down the installation cost for your convenience.

Fiber Optic Cabling Cost

The average cost of fiber ranges from $1 to $6 per linear foot. The price depends on the fiber count you require. For example, if you need 288-count fiber, it will cost you around $32,000 per mile.

It is tricky to estimate the cost of wiring an entire facility with fiber optics as it is determined by various factors. In general, expect to pay $15,000 to wire a commercial building with around 100 drops. The price will increase with the drop counts in the building. 

Factors Impacting the Cost of Fiber Optic Installation

As mentioned above, many variables impact the overall cost of fiber optic installation in a commercial building. Consider the following to estimate the cost.

Is Your Building Fiber-Lit?

The most critical factor that impacts the cost of fiber installation is the distance you need to cover with fiber. If your building is already fiber-lit, which means fiber facilities are installed in the building and connected to a provider’s network, the installation charge will be significantly lower. However, if it is not, you have to find out the nearest access point. The nearer it is to your building, the lower the cost.   

Does Your Building Have an Existing Conduit?

The installation cost will be low if the building already has a conduit to house the optical fiber. However, make sure the inner duct has enough space to pass additional cables through. The optimal fill ratio of a conduit is 40%.

Service Providers – What Options Do You Have?

The fiber optics installation cost depends largely on the service provider you choose. It is always better to go for a local service provider. They offer a more reasonable quote than that of a national provider. Besides, they are usually more efficient in obtaining the required permit from the local authorities. 

AiNET offers dedicated private fiber networks. Contact us to upgrade your building, and our team will guide you through the process. We promise that you will get the most reasonable quote possible.    

January 18, 2023
Why Is Data-Driven Culture Important for Your Business? (3 Reasons)

In today’s business world, data is at the center of everything we do, from making decisions to allocating resources. Companies with a data-driven culture can collect and analyze data effectively, make better decisions, solve problems more efficiently, and drive better results.

Read on to learn more about what data-driven culture is and explore 3 reasons why it is essential for your business.

What Is Data-Driven Culture?

A data-driven culture is a business philosophy where all decisions are based on empirical evidence, statistics, and logistics obtained from data rather than assumptions or guesses.

In other words, data is used to guide all business decisions, from strategic planning to operational details, where employees can work on shared corporate metrics and enhance the efficiency of the business.

For a company to embrace a data-driven approach, its employees must possess data literacy and the capability to interpret, utilize, and comprehend data.

Why Is Data-Driven Culture Important for Businesses?

Among the many benefits of a data-driven culture, the following three stand out:

1.   Increased Efficiency and Productivity

A data-driven culture increases efficiency and productivity. When everyone in the company has access to data and can use it to inform their work, it eliminates the need for wasteful meetings and inefficient processes. Moreover, being data-centric can help companies improve their operations, communication, and overall performance.

2.   Improved Customer Experience and Engagement

Customer experience and engagement are two of the most critical metrics for any business. A data-driven culture is essential for improving both of these metrics. Your company can create a more efficient and effective organization by making data-driven decisions. Hence, you can better meet the customer’s needs, leading to more engaged and loyal customers.

Data can be used to improve CX in several ways, such as in the:

  • Identifying customer needs and pain points.
  • Improving communication and customer service,
  • Developing targeted marketing campaigns.

Moreover, it can increase sales, customer retention, and brand loyalty.

3.   Better Business Insights and Decision-Making

Organizations with a data-driven culture can make better business decisions and gain insights because they have a data foundation to support their decision-making.

They drive their business forward and look for ways to collect and analyze data to improve their understanding of their business and customers.

Conclusion: Embrace a Data-Driven Culture With AiNET!

An organization’s culture directly impacts its ability to succeed in the marketplace. How employees interact with customers, clients, and each other can determine whether they succeed or fail. Therefore, a data-driven culture leads to a more successful organization. To improve your organization, consider making this culture a priority.

AiNET is a data-driven company. At AiNET, we understand the importance of reliable and accurate data services for businesses and individuals. That’s why we strive to offer the best data services. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality data solutions that meet every one of our clients’ unique needs.

Whether you’re looking for data management, data analysis, or data visualization, we have the tools and expertise to help you succeed. So if you need top-notch data services, look no further than AiNET.

January 10, 2023
What You Should Know About Fiber Optics Installation

Are you looking to install fiber optics, or are you curious about how fiber optics installation works? Well, whatever category you’re in, this article will answer your questions.

Fiber optics can be installed in several ways, but we delve into that, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. If you do not know what fiber optics are, that’s alright. Here’s an article that discusses the mechanism of fiber optics and why businesses are opting for it.

Fiber optics is arguably the fastest data transfer protocol globally, and it might retain that title for a while. However, fiber optics isn’t like any other data connection setup, as it requires substantial physical contact between cables and other specific components.

How Are Fiber Optics Installed?

Depending on usage purposes, there are two primary application methods through which fiber optics are installed. We have:

1. The FTTH (Fiber to the homes) application.

2. The FTTP (Fiber to the premises) application.

The essential difference between both methods is their delivery mediums. FTTH installation usually takes the underground route, while FTTP takes the aerial course, often through a telegraph pole. However, FTTP is also suitable for underground passage.

The principal structure of the fiber optics installation process starts from the provider’s central data center through to the substation—the substation bridges the data center and potential drops (client’s designation).

If you want to be an active part of the installation process, here are the safety procedures you must follow.

Fundamental Safety Procedures for Fiber Optics Installations

1. Avoid direct eye contact with the light.

The light, in this case, comes directly from the cable(glass fibers). As we know, fiber optics transfers are enabled by light transmissions, so there should be a lot of testing during installation to ensure that the light transmitting through the cables flows perfectly. When checking for the light at the end of a cable, wear shades to protect your retinas from the optic beams.

2. Avoid enclosed contact with the cables.

Fiber optic cables are made of breakable glass and are usually exposed to different pressure levels during installation. Due to the delicate nature of the glass, breaks and snaps happen often. A rupture could unleash tiny glass fragments into the air and pierce the skin nearby.

3. Do not touch your skin during installation.

When splicing or making cuts during installation, tiny bits of glass are bound to fly around, and these fragments could easily land on the skin without causing any damage. However, they could also pierce the skin under pressure. So avoid touching exposed skin, especially the face, during the installation process.


Wearing PPEs during installation is mandatory, but being aware of the potential dangers at an installation site will do more good. Even better is letting the experts take the reins.

So if you intend to install fiber optics cable, you’re in the most suitable space. At AiNET, we live to make network connections workable and seamless for everyone. Click on the highlight to get started.

December 20, 2022
Network resilience; Is Your Network Resilient?

Network resilience is more important than ever due to network complexity and connectivity. In the face of threats and stressors, network resilience is the ability to continue operating.

A resilient network allows companies to minimize the risks of downtime and the resulting loss of revenue. Furthermore, it also helps to ensure data security and privacy. Therefore, it is important to ask yourself: Is your network resilient?

What Is the Downtime Cost?

Before we get started with the resilience of your network, it is important to know what will happen if the network is not resilient and suffers downtime. What cost will your business have to pay?

Usually, the costs associated with downtime vary depending on several variables, such as the length of the outage, usage data, and business size. Here is a simple way to assess the downtime cost.

  • Creativity: How many staff members cannot work if the Internet is down? How much do they make hourly?
  • Sales Revenue: Add your average sale amount to the typical sales volume per hour.

Soft costs, which are more difficult to quantify, are also associated with outages.

  • Customers who cannot complete their orders or reach your team will likely stop using your services.
  • It’s a waste of time to reload screens again and again and wonder if the Internet has synced this time.
Four Steps to Ensure Network Resilience

Here is what you can do to ensure the resilience of your network.

1.   Identify Your Flaws

Recognizing network flaws and failure sites is essential for businesses. Considering that the network is vulnerable and that work is required, this is a brilliant place to start.

2.   Make a Network Roadmap

IT teams should regularly update their network roadmaps and identify possible weak points to locate the source of problems.

3.   Establish Costs

ITIC estimates that a single hour of downtime may cost anywhere from $1 million to $5 million. So, investment in more financial resources should be based on the typical cost of a network outage.

4.   Foster Assistance

To foster collaboration, IT teams should raise network resilience awareness at all organizational levels.

AiNET – Your Ultimate Solution

AiNET is eager to assist you in resolving a wide range of issues. We offer resilient network solutions for all problems, including fiber cuts, network failures, and outages.

So, you don’t need to worry about power outages as long as AiNET has your back.

December 13, 2022
How Has Cloud Technology Evolved Over the Past Decade?

The past decade has been an iconic one for cloud technology. We made the most advances, and it’s paid off quite well. These innovations have made cyber solutions feasible for users and companies worldwide.

Along with the remarkable transformation came an unexpected decline in cloud tech solutions. Still, the pros outweigh the con. Here’s a detailed discussion of both sides.

The Major Pros from the Past Decade

1. The Hybrid Cloud Boom

The Hybrid cloud phenomenon was a dream come true for companies looking to retain solid control over their computing servers and exploit the transformative resources of the public cloud. It was the balance major companies needed.

For most companies, the public cloud was an active backup program to help prevent overloading their servers. Eventually, it became a proportional fuse of on-premise IT and cloud computing resources.

The Hybrid gained and has maintained significant momentum over the years. It’s currently the most used cloud storage and computing solution.

2. Cloud Backup and Recovery

It’s no secret that the cloud was primarily a backup storage option in its early days. And even at that stage, many users never really trusted the cloud to make it their primary storage platform.

However, that changed very quickly after notable companies like Rackspace announced moving their storage space to the cloud. Even then, the most significant rise in the general use of cloud storage services happened with the introduction of the cloud disaster recovery program.

Cloud disaster recovery was the game changer for cloud service providers and everyone else. The idea of backing up data beyond the reach of natural disasters became the ultimate solution to the most widespread business obstacle—data loss.

The Only Con from the Past Decade

The Public Cloud Growth Glitch

The glitch, in this case, isn’t a disruption in the services enabled by cloud technology. It’s the decline we noted earlier. Even with all the transformative advancement attached to the progressive years of cloud technology, the public cloud is losing its initial appeal.

Medium-sized companies are leaving the public cloud at an alarming rate and moving on to set up on-premise IT infrastructures for their businesses.

What’s the cause of this reverse?


There’s a monopoly of cloud services championed by tech oligarchs, also known as tech giants. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are the most prominent ones, and their cloud solutions aren’t cheap.

For many medium-sized companies, running an on-premise IT setup is more profitable than paying a fortune annually to tech giants with a growing risk of a potential breakdown.

Here’s a more detailed analysis of cloud tech oligarchs ruining the public cloud.


Despite the slight setback, cloud technology is growing at an incredible pace. There’s more to come with cloud services, and at AiNET, we’re exploring how you can benefit from the current and forthcoming innovations. Want to get started on your cloud solutions? Get in touch with us now.

December 6, 2022
Public Cloud Disadvantages | Why Is Public Cloud Facing Constant Criticism?

The opposition to the public cloud has taken a new turn. People are disappointed in the efficiency of the public cloud for medium-sized companies looking for stable growth. Though it sounds like a great idea for small companies just starting their business, the efficacy of the public cloud diminishes over time. Here are some of the public cloud disadvantages you should know.

The Limited Usability of Public Cloud

The public cloud has been showing limited usability recently. Logically, it can serve its purpose in only two conditions. One, it is an ideal option for startups who don’t have much data to store on the cloud and don’t have enough budget to manage in-house data centers.

Secondly, a few companies are new in the market, and their target audience is so diverse they cannot predict the response to their products. Consequently, such companies have difficulty dealing with cloud computing as they don’t know the response their service would evoke. In such a situation, the public cloud can be a great option.

Besides these two situations, the public cloud exhibits limited usability. Medium-sized and large companies with the largest market share are well-researched about the target audience and can predict their computing needs. Still, they don’t get much out of the public cloud.

The public clouds, such as AWS and Google, have hyperscale presence, so they effortlessly accommodate such companies. However, most of the time, it doesn’t satisfy the company’s needs.

What’s In It for Large Companies?

You must be wondering why companies are attracted to the public cloud if it has such drawbacks. There are two reasons why companies cannot move on. Firstly, the expertise of the public cloud in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning is a no-brainer. Secondly, most of these companies started their journey with the public cloud, which is a great option to support the cloud computing needs of a company in its infancy. However, these companies don’t realize that moving workload from one cloud environment to another is a hassle. The larger the company, the more difficult it will be to transfer data. So, it’s not an exaggeration to say most companies are stuck.

AiNET – Your Ultimate Cloud Storage Solution

Rather than looking for something that supports your company in its infancy and becomes a burden at a later stage, the wise decision would be to choose a solution that serves its purpose in the long term. AiNET offers all kinds of cloud storage, fiber, and data center services. Contact us today.