

May 18, 2022
What is Fiber Network ?

When searching the internet for the definition of fiber, you will get “a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed.”
I agree, it’s a bit confusing when you put the word fiber next to the word “network”, I mean what do they have to do with each other, right? If you are one of the people who don’t know anything about fiber network, we are here to break it down for you. So, let’s start.

What is fiber network?

Fiber network, also called fiber internet, fiber optic internet or simply “fiber”, is a broadband connection. Don’t worry, we will break down every single term. By broadband, I mean the transmission of wide bandwidth data that provides a very high-speed internet access.

Did you know that fiber optic internet transmits data in the form of light instead of electricity?

An internet speed of 100 Mbps are already considered to be a fast internet simply because they can handle many different online activities for many different users all at once without any major issues or interruptions taking place in the service. Now imagine this, A fiber internet can reach up to 940 Megabits speed per second without any or low lag time (Megabits per second is also known as Mbps).
To blow your mind even more, Fiber internet is considered to be as fast as 70% the speed of light.
Another amazing thing about the fiber network is that the cables used are not likely to influenced by severe weather conditions and resists unwanted electrical interference, radio frequency signals. This is good because other traditional cables result in high outage time which can interfere with your work.

Want to hear something cool?

Take a strand of your hair and look at it. Notice how thin it is? Well, when optical fibers are bundled into a fiber-optic cable they provide the same diameter of your hair strand.

Some of the advantages that fiber networks provide are:

  • Since they are fast, they provide you with smooth work time.
  • Send large files to anyone within minutes instead of hours.
  • You can upload or download photos, videos, documents even movies and so on any time you like.
  • Back up your files a lot more faster than usual.

If you are thinking if using fiber network is suitable for you, then the answer is Yes!

You don’t have to be a large business owner in order to be suitable to use fiber network. If you want to enjoy consistent uptime and fast internet, then fiber network is for you. You might not need 900 Mbps but the reliability and fastness of the fiber optic network will surely bring you more advantage than loss.

Want to learn more about fiber networks? Then you are in the right place. Visit AiNET for more interesting blogs.

May 18, 2022
Best IT Solution – Fiber Optics

Businesses today are more data-hungry than ever. The aggressive digital transformation during the last decade has reshaped the data center landscape all around the world. As the IT requirements continue to become more complex, we need a well-planned advanced strategy to address all its needs.

In response to these growing challenges, the companies are shifting towards adopting a hybrid model to meet their IT goals. This hybrid model is effective, efficient and requires adequate network support to run the system without a glitch. Here comes the role of Fiber Optics technology that offers fast, reliable, and secure connections.

Fiber optic tips — Image by © MITSUTOSHI KIMURA/amanaimages/Corbis

What is a Hybrid IT model, and how does it help?

While adopting a hybrid IT model, the company divides its IT workload between physical servers and cloud computing (private/public/blend of two) resources for better efficacy. They can either build an on-premises data center or may choose to collocate their servers in a colocation center nearby.

Cloud computing is the most advanced form of technology to store your data. However, for a myriad of reasons, companies may not be able to migrate their entire data to the cloud. It can be compliance issues, security, interdependency, or delivery model.

If a company stores sensitive financial data of their clients, they may find it more comfortable to keep them on their physical server. However, they can choose to take advantage of cloud computing solutions for other IT requirements.
It is critical to blend the two types of IT infrastructure in the correct proportion to get the best results. While strategizing a hybrid plan, focus on two aspects: agility and security.

Cloud computing provides you a cutting-edge solution for most of your IT needs. It’s flexible, scalable, and fast. On the other hand, on certain occasions, control over the physical server may deem to be necessary. A hybrid model aims to make the most out of each infrastructure and run your organization seamlessly.

What is Fiber Optics?

Fiber Optics or Fiber internet is a technology that transmits data as pulses of light. It uses strands of fibers made of plastic or glass to transmit the data over a long distance. The diameter of each strand is 125 microns, almost similar to human hair. These strands are bunched together into fiber-optic cables that can transmit data over a long distance faster than any other medium.

These non-metallic cables are effective in avoiding electromagnetic interference and thus work fine under any weather condition. Besides, the data transferred through these cables are more secure than the traditional networking technologies.

Fiber optics technology is the backbone of a hybrid IT environment. It optimizes the performance of cloud architecture as well as physical servers. The data centers that use fiber optics stay up and running even during natural disasters. It provides uninterrupted and secure connectivity to run the system smoothly.

AiNET is a solution provider that offers a diverse range of IT services to cover all your requirements. It provides colocation facility, cloud architecture, and fiber network connections to create a wholesome IT solution infrastructure. Get in touch to know more about our services and let us help you build your hybrid IT infrastructure.

May 18, 2022
3 Advantages of Using Fiber Network for Your Business

How Fiber Network Benefits Businesses?

In today’s business environment, an internet connection is the backbone of all sorts of communications. You install advanced tools and technologies to scale up your operations. But without fast and reliable network support, all your efforts will go in vain. 

As consumer behavior and operational methods continue to evolve, you must go for a solution that helps you keep up with the pace. A fiber optics network provides you the required agility and scalability that is absolutely necessary for today’s highly competitive environment. Here we discuss three advantages of using a fiber network for your business.

1. Fiber networks mean faster connection

A sluggish internet connection impacts both your internal productivity as well as consumer relations. Time is money, quite literally so. Imagine your employees need to wait for 10 minutes to upload a large file to the system. That means those 10 minutes are lost from their working hour. Besides, a slow internet connection distracts the employee, who would otherwise be focused on their work. Studies have shown a fast network connection can significantly improve one’s performance at work.

The speed of your internet connection can be even more critical if you run a consumer-focused business. A longer response time leads to poor customer service. People expect an immediate response. If you fail to get back to them in time, some others will, and you will lose the customer to your competitor.

The fiber network is the most advanced technology that uses flexible, transparent fibers made of glass or plastic. These fiber optics cables transmit data signals in the form of light. This is, by far, the fastest way to transfer data. To stay relevant in the market, you must opt for this technology if you already haven’t.

2. Fiber network offers symmetrical speed

Symmetrical connection means the equal upload and download speed. Even a decade back, it wasn’t a necessity. Because in the past, we would mostly download files from the internet and seldom upload them. But things have changed fast. Now we are uploading files all the time. Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to upload a file while downloading speed is pretty high? It’s because the traditional internet connection relies on a faster download speed and slower uploading. It was designed at a time while the upload speed was not so important for general users. Fiber technology is created to satisfy today’s needs. With the fiber network’s symmetrical bandwidth capabilities, you can upload and download the file at the same speed. A Symmetrical connection offers an improved cloud experience too.

3. Optical Fibers are Cost-effective

The initial installation may seem costly. However, over time you will benefit much more than you invest. It saves you a significant amount of money by optimizing the productivity of your team. Besides, the maintenance cost is far less than other broadband connections. As your business grows, you may need to upgrade your connection. With a fiber network, you won’t need any additional hardware equipment to scale up the bandwidth. You just need to ask your service provider, and they can do it remotely. A fiber network also lets you migrate your IT infrastructure to the cloud. Once you start operating on the cloud, you can save money on server, power, and human resources.

Considering fiber network for your business? AiNET provides top-notch fiber network connections in Baltimore and Washington DC area. Let us know your requirement, and we will customize the networking solution for you.

May 18, 2022
Fiber optic Network: A Revolutionizing Invention and Why You Need It

What Is Fiber Optic Network?

Data connections carried by cables with plastic or glass fibers are known as fiber optic network. Data is transmitted through them as beams of light pulsing in patterns. Compared to regular cables, fiber optics are almost twenty times faster.

How Does It Work?

Fiber optic web works by dividing documents like films and games into information bundles of zeroes and ones. A laser streaks this Morse code-type signal into one finish of a plastic or glass fiber. The “wire” is probably just about as thick as one strand of human hair.

A unique sheath called a cladding keeps the light emission inside the fiber. It bobs off the dividers to the extent of 60 miles and jumps out the opposite end where a modem disentangles the light into a structure your PC can utilize.

Types of Fiber Optic Cable Internet


Fiber to the home or premises. The fastest, most reliable form of optic connection.


Fiber to the curb. The fiber utility pole gets setup outside your house.


Fiber to the node or neighborhood. The fiber optics get to within a range of one mile of your house.

Advantages of Fiber Optic Internet Speed

Fiber optic web speed is 1 Gbps. That is 10 to multiple times faster than the 50 to 100 Mbps link the majority of us know now. For a substantial fiber optic versus satellite web speed correlation, see the rundown beneath. It shows what amount of time it requires to download a 2-hour film on fiber optic versus satellite web.

  • Fiber optic 1 Gbps: 40 seconds
  • Cable internet 100 Mbps: 7 minutes
  • DSL 25 Mbps: 30 minutes
  • 4G LTE 35 Mbps: 25 minutes
  • 5G internet 10 Gbps: 4 seconds


We all require a stable, fast internet connection- but the traffic makes it hard for us to reach the desirable internet speeds. This is where the fiber optic technology comes in. Fiber optics can handle more data and users with a stable consistency, hence proving far more reliable. Various service providers like AiNET provide most fiber network services.

If you wish to opt for fiber optic services, visit AiNET to avail the best fiber optic network and cloud storage services.

May 18, 2022
The Sweet Science of Fiber Optics

When the Romans developed lead pipes some 2000 years ago, they must have been beyond excited with the level of ease it must have caused them.

Moving water through those pipes at that time was indeed an invaluable feat. Now, imagine moving massive digital data through similar technology in nanoseconds.

Network speed has always been an insatiable need since the dawn of the internet. While it remains insatiable, we might have it the highest milestone yet in data connectivity speed, and this is primarily a product of the innovations of fiber network technology.

Fiber network technology is no new science. We have smooth telephone calls because of it, but what’s quite remarkable is how it can significantly improve your Internet speed. This mechanism is known as fiber optics, and here is how it works.

How does fiber optics work?

Fiber optics is the transfer of information via light beams through thin glass cables. Now, that’s a little vague. Let’s dig a little deeper.

In fiber optics, fiber cables carry information. These cables contain optical fibers, glasses drawn so thin that they become almost as flimsy as human hair.

The drawn glasses are the core of the cable, and they’re usually wrapped within a thicker roll of glass or plastic known as the cladding.

The cladding isn’t necessarily a protective gear for the core. It also plays a crucial role by keeping the light that goes through the core sealed inside it.

As you must have guessed, light in this technology is neither an aesthetic factor nor data. The light serves as a data carrier; each beam or light pulse sent through the core contains binary codes.

Binary codes are information represented in ones and zeroes, and a binary code comprises bits organized in patterns known as bytes.

The exciting thing is, a pulse could travel as far as 50 to 60 miles without interference. Optical amplifiers are incorporated into the transmission systems so pulse signals can travel several miles further without degradation or data loss.

Sweet Science of Fiber Optics

In summary, the concept of fiber optics relies on the speed of light to sustain its reputation as the fastest means of data connection in today’s world. You can only imagine how fast your Internet connection would be with the use of fiber networks.

The fastest known record in fiber network connections is 1000 Mbps, approximately one gigabyte per second. Does it get any better than that?

Well, you can enjoy this current peak today. Contact AiNET and let us top up your internet speed with our fiber networks.

May 18, 2022
Fiber Network and Copper Cables, What’s the Difference?

There are a lot of networking channels, such as copper cables, radio links, and microwaves. However, the only efficient networking, which is cheap, fast, and versatile, is the fiber network.

Copper cables, which are alternatives for fiber networks, are the most acceptable option of all other networking channels. However, fiber cables have numerous advantages. This write-up is all about a comparison between these two types of networks.

What is a fiber network?

Before we dig deep into the comparison, let’s clarify your concept of the fiber network. As copper cables are made up of copper; similarly, fiber cables are made up of glass.

Thin strands of glass with multiple layers of plastic make fiber cables a functional network channel.



If you belong to a security-conscious organization, fiber cable will be an ideal choice for you. As the signals are not transferrable outside the wire, fiber cables are rendered secure.

In contrast, copper cables emit electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves can allow hackers to interpret the data flowing inside the cable without even disturbing it.


Copper cables need regular upgradation for efficient transmission of data. If you want to transfer data at higher speeds, you have to pay the maintenance costs it will claim over the years.

However, fiber cables are a versatile channel for data transmission. They don’t need constant maintenance or upgradation. They are functional enough to bear large amounts of data transmission.

Covered Distance

When talking about distance, fiber cables are so much better than copper cables. Copper cables can transmit data to a distance of 300 feet only.

On the other hand, fiber cables can transmit data up to 1500 feet. Also, the limit of transmission distance may vary according to the type of fiber cable.


Fiber cable is secure from any interference. External factors can’t affect the data transmission. It is why fiber cables are a favorable option for environments with electrical noise.

However, external factors, like noise or light, might affect its functionality.

What to Choose?

Some of you might argue that fiber cables are an expensive option. However, once installed, fiber cables don’t need maintenance and up-gradation as copper cables do. Also, the advantages of fiber cables make them a favorable option for numerous settings.

Want to learn more about fiber networks? Visit AiNET for interesting information.

May 18, 2022
Fiber vs. Cable Internet: Which One Is Best?

Are you skeptical about which one, fiber vs. cable internet, will allow you to surf the internet with great speed?

Fret not! In this article, we will highlight the ultimate champion of the fiber vs. cable internet showdown!

Difference Between Fiber vs. Cable Internet

Fiber optics use thin glass filaments and carries signals as light energy. It is now considered the paradigm of local internet connection with a coverage of 43% in the USA.

On the contrary, cable internet transmits radio signals via copper lines. The waves then intersect at various points and eventually reach the Internet Service Provider — ISP.

Fiber vs. Cable Internet: 5 Comparison Points

1.   Reliance

Firstly, stable and fast network connectivity forms the supreme dynamic duo that every internet user wants. It is a problem with cable broadband, which largely depends on an uninterrupted electricity supply.

It is also susceptible to poor weather, signal interference, and abrupt disconnections. In comparison, fiber optics provides consistent internet and is devoid of any such limitations.

2.  Broadband Speed

Secondly, fiber optics relay information at a lightning-fast speed of 1000 Mbps/second. Now compare this with the download and upload speeds of coaxial networks of 10-500 Mbps and 5-50 Mbps, respectively.

Pause, notice, and try to absorb that fiber internet is 100 times faster than your average internet connection! Furthermore, with fiber optics, excessive active users do not affect the connectivity.

3.  Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the maximum data you can transfer at a given point in time. Fiber connection with symmetrical bandwidth ensures the smooth sailing of your day-to-day activities.

Increased productivity, better communication, and easy syncing into your cloud storage are some worth mentioning benefits of ample bandwidth.

4.   Cable Size and Distance

The strengths of your signals deteriorate over long distances. This loss is only 3% with fiber and 94% with coaxial internet for over 100 meters. For the latter, it occurs as impulses are carried to and from the Central Office (CO).

Cable internet’s transmission speed is also directly correlated to the cable size, which is not an issue with fiber internet.

5.   Cost-effectiveness

Cable connection, though seemingly cheap, is costly while servicing. Fiber internet is expensive in the short term. But in the long run, it is more enduring, low-maintenance, and requires less hardware.

Fiber network providers like AiNET save you a buck by remotely scaling up your bandwidths and switching to the cloud.

Bottom Line: Fiber Internet Is Better Than Cable Internet

In conclusion, fiber internet came, saw, and conquered the world of internet connectivity. It should be the go-to connectivity option for people requiring smooth internet access.

Last but not least, AiNET provides seamless cloud storage, fiber network, and data center facilities to its customers. Contact the AiNET team today to get a better picture of our services.

Fiber Optic Vs. Wireless Broadband
May 10, 2022
Fiber Optic Vs. Wireless Broadband: Which One Is Better?

Fiber Optic vs. Wireless Broadband: The never-ending debate is here! Before we get into the more resounding topic, let’s understand what they are.

Optical cables use fine glass fibers to transmit signals from one place to another. Moreover, it conveys information in the form of light waves. In contrast, wireless broadbands convert data into electromagnetic impulses picked up by electronic devices.

We will compare the two in the article below based on five factors.

Comparison between Fiber Optic and Wireless Broadband

1.   Speed

On paper, wireless broadband and fiber optics provide the same speed. Wireless networks can go as high as 12Mbps, whereas fiber cable offers a speed of 15Mbps. However, this is not always the truth in reality.

Wireless internet slows down during peak hours. It is attributed to the fact that hundreds of people are using the same bandwidth. Optical fiber, in comparison, transmits signals at the speed of light and is independent of these hassles.

2.   Distance

Fiber optics can transmit signals to great ranges without any interruptions. Single-mode fiber—is a unique type of optical fiber specially made to ensure quick internet across long distances.

The signal strength of wireless connections—Wifi, depends greatly on the distance. The main reason for this is that these devices are made to cater to a limited area only. You will experience a glitch in the connection as soon as you move away from this gadget.

3.   Mobility

Consider yourself on the go and want to keep yourself posted on what is happening in the world. Wireless broadband comes in handy here because of its accessibility, and portable devices are a must-have widget in today’s world.

Fiber optics, despite their thousands of benefits, restrict this flexibility. You can only access it at home or in the office, thereby reducing its overall practicality.

4.   Ease of Installation

Installing fiber internet is a hard nut to crack. It can take up to weeks and even months! Various geographical factors are considered while laying out fiber networks, and optical fiber services like AiNET do this hard part for you!

Conversely, wireless internet connections are set up readily and are available for use within days. Not to mention, this method requires fewer resources and a workforce as well!

5.   Cost-Effectiveness

Wireless connection is relatively cheap and is the best quick fix for the internet. Additionally, you do not have to pay a fortune to expand your wireless broadband in the future.

Fiber networks are costly but can save you money in the long run. Installation fees, permits, and tools for setting up a wired connection are just a few charges you must bear in mind.


Fiber optics and wireless broadband bring people closer to one another and their environment.

AiNET is a fiber networking service that ensures uninterrupted, smooth, and fast internet. Get in touch with their team. Discuss their packages and get started!

March 22, 2022
Optical Fibers: A Revolution in The Global Communication

Optical fibers Background:

The evolution of optical fiber – enabled communications networks has taken place over time. In the early 1980s, telephone companies predominantly built optical fiber, and the benefits were obvious. Optical fiber could transmit large volumes of data and light signals over great distances – several times longer than copper.

Fiber’s potential to revolutionize telecommunications became obvious almost immediately after its invention and widespread deployment. The fiber was first used exclusively for international subsea cabling as well as national and regional backbones due to its high cost. As costs were reduced, operators began to include fiber in:

  • Metro.
  • Access networks.
  • Data centers.
  • Within offices.

How does it work?

Fiber optics, unlike traditional transmission technologies that use metallic-based systems to convey data, are not electrical. The transmission device sends light signals to a receiver via a fiber. Fiber optic connections, unlike other transmission techniques, do not degrade over time, which is why they are so popular.

Optical fibers and cutting-edge technology

Because fiber optic cables carry light (DUH!), their capacity for carrying information is significantly superior to wires or coaxial cables. Light beams traveling via optical cables have a frequency of roughly 200 trillion cycles per second.

Optical fibers are low-cost to manufacture, do not conduct electricity, are not affected by lightning storms, and are compact.

Optical fiber changed communication technology by allowing higher data volumes to be transmitted over significantly longer distances with significantly less interference than older copper technologies.

The Future Shines Brightly

Present youth is unlike any previous in terms of connectivity. Over 5 billion kilometers of optical fiber are currently in use around the world. Connecting people, businesses, communities, governments, and continents.

The ability to communicate voice, data, video and applications like file-sharing, online gaming, video on demand, and HDTV immediately and globally is driving communications networks to expand and evolve. We’ve continued to develop and supply new generations of optical fiber technology since inventing the first low-loss optical fiber, enabling the global development of broadband access.

Optical fiber has the flexibility to evolve and adapt to future communication needs. That is due to its compatibility with other technologies and practically limitless bandwidth capacity. We pioneered the optical fiber revolution and will continue to lead the industry in developing next-generation technology for today’s and tomorrow’s communications networks.

Check out AiNET for the best optical fibers!

February 9, 2022
Different Types of Fiber Networks

 Just a few blogs before, AiNET wrote a blog explaining what fiber networks are and what different advantages it provides. However, we will explain it to you once again to make it easier for you.

Fiber network, also known as fiber-optic communication, is a method where information is transformed from one point to another, in a very fast speed (as fast as 70% the speed of light). This transmission happens in the form of pulses of infrared light and happens through optical fiber. Fiber networks are considered to be one of the most reliable internet connections. In addition, they are said to be the best for upload bandwidth. It is known that fiber internet reaches as fast as 940 to 1000 Megabits per second (Mbps).

The Different Types:

Now that we know what fiber networks are, what are the different types? To start with, there are two basic and commonly known fiber types.  Each providing a unique purpose the types of fiber optic cables are:

  • single mode
  • multimode

The three different types of fiber cables vary differently. Starting from their construction way to the benefits they provide. In our previous blog about fiber network, we mentioned that the fiber networks are as thin as the strands of your hair.

1- Single-mode Fiber Network

Only deriving the explanation from its name, single mode fiber cable is a single strand that has a diameter of maximum 10 microns. Do not be fooled by its narrow diameter, a single mode fiber can carry, compared to multimode, a higher bandwidth (which we will explain next). Single mode fiber networks also have other names, for example mono mode fiber and uni-mode fiber. When using a single mode fiber network only one cable is needed, and it travels a much longer distance that goes up to 100km! Now you may look at this in an optimistic way, however, keep in mind that electronics like this cost much more.

2- Multimode Fiber Networks

A multimode fiber network carries multiple light rays. Due to its wide diametrical core, multimode fiber networks are able to carry multiple modes of light. It is no surprise when I tell you that this creates the ability for more data to pass through in a period of time. Now of course, the transmission of more data in a given time is beneficial. However due to the high dispersion rate the quality decreases over a certain distance.

To summarize the difference between these two; A single-mode fiber network is mostly used for longer distances. Whereas a multimode fiber network is used for shorter distances (only 400 m).

If you want to learn more, you know where we are. Visit AiNET and learn more!