
February 28, 2023

Data Center Selection Considerations: 5 Key Aspects

In today’s digital world, data centers form the backbone of a business. Depending on the industry you operate in, your business’s success can be determined by the performance of the data center you choose for your company. 

More and more companies are now depending on third-party data centers to exploit the benefits of having a well-equipped dedicated space for their IT infrastructure without building an on-premises data center. The global data center colocation market is projected to reach 131.8 billion USD by 2030. Migrating your IT infrastructure to a third-party data center can be one of the best decisions if you do it right.  

Here are the 5 key considerations you should keep in mind when choosing a colocation data center for your business. 


The location is important for several reasons. Don’t choose a colocation facility that is located in a disaster-prone area. Natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and forest fires can significantly impact the performance of the data center. You can also face data loss if they do not have a proper disaster recovery plan in place. 

Distance between the server and the end-user impacts the user experience. Thus, it is recommended that you host your server in a colocation center located near your end users to minimize latency. Also, choose a data center near your office premises. It will be easier for you and your team to visit the site if your IT equipment needs your attention.      


Reliability is one of the key considerations when choosing a data center. The reliability essentially means how much uptime it can offer. Power supply, cooling system, and network connectivity are three of the key components that keep a data center running. Make sure it has proper power backup and effective means to control the temperature inside the facility.

If you plan to host mission-critical apps and data, make sure the data center employs redundant infrastructure. It will ensure that capacity or distribution failure will not impact the site’s operation.  

Hybrid infrastructure deployment

Make sure it offers you the opportunity to deploy a hybrid IT infrastructure. As the global IT landscape is evolving every day, it is critical to have the flexibility to switch to a hybrid IT model if needed. There are several advantages of availing both cloud and colocation infrastructure from the same service provider. Try to make sure your colocation service provider can offer both.   

Network connectivity

Make sure it has access to multiple reliable network paths. Also, go for a colocation center that uses a fiber network. They ensure faster connection and symmetrical speed. Fiber optics is also more cost-effective than the other available options in the market.  


Choose a data center that employs a robust security system. Your servers and other hardware need to be fully secure in terms of both cyber security and physical security. The place should have access control so only authorized personnel can enter the facility. Also, make sure it implements state-of-the-art technology to keep the network and server safe. It should also regularly check the vulnerabilities in the system and upgrade the security measures accordingly.

Here, at AiNET, we take a holistic approach to our client’s IT infrastructure needs. Our services include data center colocation, cloud storage, and fiber optics network. When you get all these services under one umbrella, it becomes remarkably easy to plan your IT infrastructure as you need.